Brazil’s “Literatura De Cordel” – The broadside engravings of Mexico’s Jose Guadalupe Posada - This lengthy manuscript compares the cover illustrations and verse of Brazil's "Literatura de Cordel" and its best-known author Leandro Gomes de Barros to the illustrations ("grabados" or engravings) of José Guadalupe Posada and the broadsides of the A. Vanegas Arroyo Press in Mexico in the early 20th century. There is an amazing similarity and many coincidences between these two forms of folk - popular culture from opposite ends of the Americas - Brazil and Mexico. The specific art of making prints to the coincidences of theme from the first two decades of the century in Brazil's Northeast to Mexico City and environs are outlined in the book. Just as samples, the decades of banditry and religious uprising in Brazil compared to the heroes of the Mexican Revolution and border bandits of the same era are just one large parallel. The prints and background of them and many more are in this fun book.
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